Success Stories
Case Study: Dental Dreams, LLC
Construction Challenges: Working from a distance, budget, and old buildings.
Unique Services Solution: Keeping a practiced eye on costs and site plans and working as part of the client’s team.
Dental Dreams is a dynamic, growing company headquartered in Chicago with more than 150 dentists and over 500 employees staffing their offices nationwide. They provide high quality dental services in first-class facilities to people in underserved communities. When they were looking to expand into Massachusetts and Connecticut, they called on Unique Services Dental Construction and Consultants to lead construction efforts.
Scott A. Allegretti, D.D.S, Provincetown Dental Arts
Challenge: Renovate a downtown historic office condominium building, transforming from general office space to dental practice.
Unique Services Solution: Careful attention to dental plumbing and electrical, plus a can-do attitude.
Dr. Allegretti sold his dental practice of 15 years in Arlington, Virginia and moved to Provincetown, Massachusetts. He found a great location to lease space for his new practice, but it needed a great deal of renovation. He called on Unique Services Dental Construction and Consultants to transform the space on a tight timeframe.
Case Study: Natalie Y. Jeong, D.D.S., and Susam Messier, Project Manager, Campbell McCabe
Situation: After moving from a practice in Concord, Dr. Jeong was building her first dental office in an old bank building in Lincoln, Massachusetts. She and project manager Susan Messier interviewed several construction managers. Impressed with their integrity and straightforwardness, as well as references, they chose Unique Services for the job.
Challenge: Finding the right space
Unique Services Solution: Assessment and advice before the client signs a lease.